My daughter was 6 weeks premature, and boy howdy, did I have breastfeeding problems - a lot of the same stuff you are going through. It was so painful, and frustrating, and I can hear that is happening for you.
Adequate rest is really important, and lots of fluid intake. Mother's Milk tea is helpful in developing milk flow. But the most important thing for me was the presence and support of a mom who had real breastfeeding experience and success. I needed help relaxing, and learning the feel of the thing, and trusting that it would be OK. Do you know anyone who would come and be with you for a few days, and support you through this important time? Is there a La Leche League in your area? Or maybe doulas or midwives in the area who could teach you this process? They could be a great resource for finding help and support. Just don't give up - it sounds like breastfeeding is really important to you, and that makes you a really great mom right there. Do everything you can to get the support you need until your confidence "comes in". Your milk will follow, and your daughter will be OK.