We did the same thing and wasa very successful, both with my single son and then with my twins. I breastfeed the twins morning and night only from 11 until 18 months.
I have absolutely fallen in love with nursing my beautiful baby girl who is 10 1/2 months old. It was a true struggle in the beginning but somehow some way we've made it this far! However, due to work (I travel 1-2 times monthly for a night or two at a time, and am driving around alot) the pumping has becoming next to impossiable.
So I made the decision to only nurse her mornings and nights and pump while I travel. Just in the week in a half I've been doing it, my milk supply has gone down and now I don't have the "full" breast feeling anymore. I want to make it to the year point which is in mid April. Has anyone had success with just breastfeeding morning and night? Is it normal not to have that full feeling? If need be I will go back to pumping 1/2 times daily. I do just really want to make it to the year point so she can go right to cow's milk. I am concerned I'm drying up. If I started pumping again would my supply improve? Or should I just continue the morning and night feedings? She seems to be getting milk (she usually nurse about 15-20minutes). Thanks for all of your advice Mommy's.
We did the same thing and wasa very successful, both with my single son and then with my twins. I breastfeed the twins morning and night only from 11 until 18 months.
I tried to do the same thing, as I went back to work as a school teacher and didn't have time during the day to pump, either. My supply dried up pretty quickly, too. I had my daughters on formula already, so I just gave up because I didn't think it would last.
But, I have heard of many people who have stuck it out and their supply adjusted. If you think your daughter seems satisified with what you are producing, I would continue. Also, pumping will definitely help if you pump a little when you get home or are travelling it will help maintain it longer.
Hope it works out for you!
I am in a similar situation without the travel. I work 4 days a week with 10 hour days and travel 45 min to and from work. Because of my schedule I hardly pump at work any more and noticed that my milk supply is slightly down. I have found pumping when I get home helps a bit. But I hardly ever feel full anymore. I am trying to make it to the year mark also which is the end of April. I have also found that I seem to make just enough for my baby, at times it can be a little rough to eek out two bags for day care. I also found from talking to my daycare provider that my baby wasn't eating her full bottle at each meal now that we introduced solids so I have decreased my amount for the day which leaves a little extra for night. I hope my experience helps.
It is all about supply and demand with nursing. My son was at 3 times a day for quite some time. Morning, night, and nap time. The more you pump or nurse the more your body will make. With my daughter, she didn't ask for 3 days and it was gone. At this time it is less about nutrition and more about bonding between you. Good for you and keep at it until both of you are done regardless of when that is.
Have you looked on line to find a lactate consultant in your area? They have meetings at a small building outside St. Mary's Hospital in St. Mary's County, MD. Mothers come with their babies and sometimes siblings as well. They do this for free(I believe) and have a lactate consultant present at these gatherings to assist mothers. I know because I went there to talk to one of the consultants there as I was interested in becoming one myself. I breast fed all 3 of my biological children until at least 14 months old. I had my first two children in Australia and we had a wonderful support system with the The Nursing Mothers Assoc. there. I feel very fortunate to have had that experience as many do not get that assistance here in the States. Just checked on line under " lactate consultants" but didn't explore any further. Here in the U.S. you have to put in 2,500 hours to become a real lactate consultant. Go with the pros if you don't have any girlfriends to help. Good luck and happy nursing!!!! It is a wonderful time in life for both of you and a wonderful way to bond with your baby. All the best!!!!!!
That is exactly what I did with my daughter! I only pumped once during the day and that seemed to be enough to keep the supply up as much as I needed it to be. Everyone is different though. One thing though, my daughter also decided to ween herself about 2 months into this routine. I don't know if was because I wasn't nursing her as much or if she was just ready to stop no matter what. As it turned out it was a very natural weening so it was easy on me and most importantly since it was what she wanted it was easier on her too. Plus since I wasn't producing as much milk I think it was less painful too. I know some people that had a really hard time stopping because they were still producing so much milk. Anyway - hope that helps a bit!
My breastfeeding started out very rocky as well. However, I now love those few minutes each day that are only between my son and myself. My son is now 18 months old and I am still breastfeeding him. He has been a morning/night nurser for 9 months now. your body will adjust to your new schedule! Enjoy! My original goal was 6 months, then it changed to a year.... and now, I think perhaps two?
It is normal to not feel completely full by 10 months even if you were nursing her all day long. Hang in there you are doing a great thing for your baby and if when you reach a year you decide your not done keep going. There are benefits to nursing past the first year.
if you pump more during the day it'll bring your supply of milk back up. Get a marine cooler to hold the milk and frozen ice packs that will help with keeping it cold until you can place it in a frig. I use to be in sales and have to pump on the road in my car. Find an empty parking lot and crack your window a little so you can hear if someone is walking up on you.
your breast will not fill full anymore if you only nurse in the morning and at night.
I really enjoyed nusring also. 21 months.
enjoy your baby.
Have you considered bringing her to bed with you (or having your husband bring her to bed if you need extra rest) for additional feeding in the nighttime, such as in the very early morning hours to nurse?
If you continue to nurse, your body will continue to produce milk. :) Great job!
Hi there...
Good for you for heading to the 1st year and still nursing with a busy schedule! I nursed my daughter for the 1st year as well, but 10 1/2 months nursings did decrease as well and I wasn't full either. I did not pump, I strictly nursed when it came to BF. I started my daughter on cow's milk in addition to breastmilk around 10 1/2- 11 months old. This way when she needed to go on to cow's milk full time at 12 months old, she would be used to it and ready. I think at this point you could try to start your daughter on whole milk...just a suggestion. Be sure to wactch out for any allergy during the 1st week....just in case, because you never know.
Hope this helps, and good luck!
I did the same thing when my child was the same age as your daughter. You don't feel as full. My daughter and I ended up nursing that way until she was 13 1/2 months old. Just make sure you keep doing all the things to take care of yourself that you are doing now (drinking water, eating as right as a fulltime working mom can be) and you'll be fine. Congratulations on your commitment to your daughter!
I did this as well around the same point, but for a different reason. The baby didn't want to nurse during the day. She wanted the bottle.
So, I had that same sensation of feeling like I didn't have much milk. I wondered how the child was making due because I didn't feel like I had much. But I guess she was getting enough because she was satisfied afterwards.
I think your body is just adjusting to the new plan. I think you still have milk there. See if the baby is full after the nursing sessions. If not, then you may have to pump.
Hi, I'm experiencing something similar while weaning my almost 9 month old. He has formula bottle/cup feedings during the day and nurses with me for bedtime and late night. No fullness here after about a week of this routine. I was worried as well that my milk was drying up b/c of the lack of fullness. Not the case b/c he recently got very sick and cut his front teeth and refused the bottle/cup for several days so now we are back to full time nursing and he is satisfied.
This is round two for me with nursing/weaning and I had the same lack of fullness during the weaning processing with my older son. I believe your body adjusts rapidly and hormone levels drop OR increase each time you make changes in breastfeeding. If your baby seems satisfied, more than likely your milk supply is enough. You can always consult a lactation specialist in your area for additional information. They are a great resource for all stages of breastfeeding. Enjoy those precious moments!
I definitely did not feel as full when I gradually weaned my daughter, as you are. My daughter dropped 3 feedings in a matter of days around her first bday. Once my supply adjusted to fewer feedings, my breasts were hardly full at all. I wouldn't worry about it, our bodies adjust to how much milk the baby takes (usually).
Because of my work schedule the past few months, pumping became very difficult for me as well. And because my daughter turned 12 months in January, I began to give her whole milk while at daycare and continued to nurse her morning and night. We're going on 3 months just morning and night with the occasional extra feeding on the weekends, and it is working for us so far. I occasionally get that full feeling, but more often than not I don't. I can hear her swallowing, so I know that she is still getting something. I also took a few days off this past week and nursed her several times each day and my supply seems to have come back up. It only takes 2-3 days to adjust your supply, so if you start pumping again your supply may resume. Good luck!
Hello c g,
i'm in the same situation and it is normal for your breasts to not feel as full, but your baby is getting enough to eat at those times. Also you can start her on a substitute milk to prepare her for the switch at a year old. Also i want you to know that the more you pump or nurse the more milk supply you'll have, it's there it just dosen't feel like it.i hope this advice works for you as it has for me, good luck!! I'm a full time working mom/wife of 4 girls 16,14,6 and 6months
I went back to work when my DS turned 6 mo and I could not pump. At that time I started nursing only morning and night with an occassional dinnertime BF session. He is now 1 am I am still doing this. My breasts did feel much less full but I alsways felt a let down and DS always swallowed while nursing so I knew I didn't totally dry up. I think our bodies just adjust to the supplya nd demand. They are not as full because you are producing less milk but that's what you want if you are only nursing twice a day. Good luck!