Have you had your blood pressure checked? I developed high blood pressure after my baby was born that gave me horrible migraine headaches. For YEARS I would only treat the headaches, not knowing that I had high blood pressure. The headaches were horrible and over the counter stuff wouldn't help at all and I quickly built up a tolerance for them, so I was put on Imitrex (for migraines) which is a prescription. Since I was young (26 at the time), my doctor didn't check my BP and just gave me that. That Rx worked great, but I still got the headaches all the time! I suffered for years and took Imitrex for years (hoping this stuff was okay to take). Finally, I went back and told my doctor that I was tired of having them and being sick with them...I had an MRI, came back fine...they did bloodwork, came back fine...finally my Dr. gave me a Beta Blocker called ZIAC. Supposedly, migraine sufferers sometimes have high BP that wasn't constant (situational) which would trigger the migraines. Since being on ZIAC, I have no more migraines and very rarely even get a regular headache. Stay away from caffeine and if you drink alot of it, coming off of caffeine can also give you horrid migraines so you'll have to wean yourself off...drink plenty of water and have your BP checked. Mine was linked mostly to hormones, which is why I am unable to take birth control pills or other hormonal birth control methods. Bottom line, migraines or really bad headaches that you're experiencing frequently is a warning sign. Don't wait as long as I did suffering for years with them. Your body's trying to tell you something (perhaps high BP, perhaps something else). Good Luck!!!