You have to do what works for your family. But being in pain from engorgement shouldn't be one of the choices.
I don't know how old your baby is, but eventually, the feedings will become longer apart and your milk production should work along side of this occurance.
My sister's baby sleeps through the night now so she feeds her before bed and in the morning. My baby, around the same age of my sister's, still requests a feeding at night. I think my sister must wear a nursing bra during the night. But for me, I nurse her in bed and then take her back to her crib. She is my third child and I know that it won't last forever.
I think keeping your house 'night like' is probably the most important thing. If everyone is up making bottles or pumping, its not a good environment to sleep in and therefore your baby is getting the message that it is okay to fully wake up.
My sister swears by the book, The Happiest Baby on the Block. I have not read it but she says that it helped her get her baby to sleep through the night. (Perhaps I should:))
Good luck. Enjoy this goes super fast.