Kids do know what they like. After 4 months of pretty much exclusive breastfeeding, I went back to school. She would just take enough milk to get her through until I came home and then would always nurse. Since I was pumping more than what she would eat while away, we ended up with abundant stores. this was good because she eventually took the bottle and when I did stop breastfeeding, she was able to get breastmilk.
but that information doesn't help you at all. with my next 2 children I found that the Nuby sippy cup was a super easy transition from bottle.
if you stick with it, he'll eventually take something. the truth is, healthy kids won't starve themselves. it is harder on the care giver, however. but continue to nurse him when you're with him, and continue to offer him breastmilk in other containers when you're not. if he really wants the satisfaction of taste of breastmilk, he'll take it.
you mentioned giving him water in a sippy. kids under 12months don't NEED any other fluids than breastmilk. and if breastmilk is not available, then formula.
but he can still get breastmilk mixed with the solids he's eating. at 10 mo, he might be doing some self feeding. so to add breastmilk to fruits or veggies might be too runny for him. i would mix fruit/veggies with cereal and breastmilk.
keep up with offering the sippy with breastmilk and hang in there! you're not alone :)