I had the exact same issue. There is not much you can do other than rub her tummy, give her chamomile tea in a bottle (weak) and give her mylicon prior to the formula. Baths can help a bit, but some babies are just more gassy than others. Our baby would go a week without having a bowel movement. She would inconsolably cry and then, a loud vibration and silence. She'd have an enormous poop, leaking out the sides and be fine until the next time.
Babies absorb a lot of the nutrients in breastmilk, so it's normal they don't produce much waste or that often. Unless the bowel movement is hard or dry, I wouldn't worry too much. Their systems are so new and they aren't able to pass a bowel movement as easily as we are.
Finally, you can try and cut out gassy items from your diet, broccoli, brussel sprouts. Babies are sensitive to Cow's milk so perhaps cut out dairy or switch to Goat's Milk products.