My grandson's dad is the most bowlegged guy I have ever seen and J is just like him. We have stressed out over this so much and the Podiatrist just looks at us and smiles and says he is too young to really do anything about it yet, he's 3. J trips over his feet all the time and it is sad to watch but he is okay. He won't adress the issue much further until J is in elementary school or is unalbe to walk or stand or something effecting his daily living ability.
What the Podiatrist did:
1. He put plastic "lifts/inserts" in J's shoes that cause him to rock his feet differently than they were going. This causes different muscles to strengthen and be used more.
2. He told us to buy shoes that could not be twisted when held by the toe and heel. He needs all the support he can get and some shoes are too soft.
3. He had us do stretching exercises with J when changing his diaper or dressing him.When he was laying on his back we would hold his opposite foot in our opposite hand, his left foot-my left hand (He's facing me), and place it where the palm of his foot was facing the right leg. I would gently push down his left knee, stretching out his left hip joint. Ten gentle stretches every time he is laying down, diapering, relaxing, bathing, etc... The exercise is to strengthen the hip joint and that in turn causes the feet to turn out more and go straighter.
I know that didn't come out right.....if you sit down criss cross legs then move your feet/knees out a bit you can touch the palms of your feet together. Kindof like a diamond shape to your legs. If you lay down, that's the position I'm trying to explain, then holding the foot steady you press down on the knee and stretch the hip joint.
If you look at the picture of the baby in the sling you see sort of the position I am talking about but the feet are facing each other a bit more. http://www.childrenshospital.org/az/Site706/mainpageS706P...
4. He replaces the insert every few months as J's feet grow.
5. We have talked about what will happen as J gets older and he is still bowlegged and the Doc says that eventually, when his bones turn more solid instead of just cartilidge like now, then we can consider using braces at night where he would put on lace up shoes and they would be attached to a brace and he would sleep in it. It isn't too odd and it doesn't last forever. That is kind of a last resort. As long as they can walk and stand the Doc's aren't going to go to extremes to fix bowleggedness, it's not a life threatening issue and plenty of peole have this problem and do just fine.
Our Pediatrician didn't really want to give us a referral to the Podiatrist because she thougt it was too early to even discuss working on it. If you really want to address this then look for Pediatric Podiatrist or Pediatric Orthopedic Doc. that uses your insurance and make an appointment. Even if you have to pay cash cause the insurance won't cover it you will feel better about the choices you make.