You need to speak to someone about this. My son has developmental delays, speech delay, ODD, etc. He too was put in a public preK on a recommendation and it was horrible! The teacher + aides were unprofessional, whiny, etc. I was noticing that my son was withdrawing at home, regressing with his speech therapist etc. but the day he came home, jumped off the bus, knocked his 3 yo brother on the ground and started hitting his head on the pavement screaming he hated school is the day we yanked him out.
I had seen so many odd things but other parents told me I was being silly about it and I didn't step forward as I should have, when I should have and I really regret it. At this school, there was no accountability for volunteers, supervision was lax, etc. The teacher was very unprofessional. What teacher comes to school in flipflops, ratty sweats and tank top? If the superiors that you talk to don't take your seriously, I would remove your daughter from the school. You also need to demand a meeting with all of the specialists that work with your daughter. It's your right to do so and they should have been present at your progress meeting. It's also your right to ask for a meeting to check on your daughter any time of the year, not just when it's convenient to the teacher. This is her JOB.
The incident I related happened several years ago with my son. Right after that I instituted quarterly meetings with his support staff. Everyone that was able to, teachers, speech therapists, special ed teachers, service coordinator, psr worker, etc. attended. I love these meetings because it gives me a chance to see right up front what everyone is doing with my son and it gives everyone else a chance to see what each other is working on with him and even coordinate a bit. For instance, my son has two speech therapists. He sees on in school and one outside of school. He's been with outside-of-school one for over 5 years and I consider her the main therapist. Booth speech therapists are coordinated because of this meeting so they don't work cross-ways to each other and both are seeing more progress with him.
When you have a special needs child, no matter what their need is, it is very important to be sure her support network has a firm foundation. If it's not, then you really need to re-evaluate and find her another one. I have seen the huge difference that makes in my son.
The secretary of the school he went to K at hated me because I insisted that she follow my sons IEP and place him in the p.m. class like it stated. She had tried to tell me it was full and that he had to be in the a.m. She was not happy with me when I reminded that the school HAD to follow the IEP and she made it very clear to me that it wasn't fair to the families of the TWO students she had to drop from the class to make room for a special needs child. If she had done her work properly in the first place, it wouldn't have happened. I'm his only advocate besides his support network, so if I hadn't stepped forward and made sure he got the best available then who was going to?
Also, the teacher shouldn't be trying to remove her from the special ed class, especially without a meeting of your daughters support staff. When is your next IEP scheduled? Has she met/exceeded the goals on her IEP showing her being ready to no longer have the need of special ed? I'm a little suspect of that. It's great if she is ready to move out of special ed, but don't push it and certainly don't agree to it without a meeting. Especially if it's not time for her next IEP yet!
Good luck with getting this resolved.