Check out Charlotte Mason "Living Books". CM is a style of schooling that (in part) teaches through people who LOVE their field, and are largely fictious books. There are hundreds and hundreds of CM lists complied by parents from different time frames for those teaching history.
- ***Percy Jackson Series*** (ancient greece myths > modern times). My 8yo fell absolutely in LOVE with this series. The first book in a new series (1800s children with Egyptologist father) by the same author (Rick Riordan) just came out as well. Rick Riordan is a PERFECT author for boys this age, he has JUST the right amount of humor, a wry wit, and a lot of jokes/ depreciating humor.
- Joy Hakim : History of Us
- Spies for the Blue & the Grey ... Short stories of actual spies (male and female) during the civil war. I haven't read it in years, so peruse it first to check for appropriateness. I read it in middleschool.
- Swiss Family Robinson
- Black Ships Before Troy by Rosemary Suttclif. It's the Illiad set in story format. The Wanderings of Odysessus is the Oddesy version.
- Little House series
I have others, but I'm actually falling asleep as I'm writing... I can't highly enough recommend Percy Jackson. They are utterly fantastic. ((We've yet to see the movie, however. Kiddo's afraid it will "ruin" the book. Which is a first. He's a movie nut, not a big reader.))