Both of my boys have hated the bulb since the day they were born! LOL (It's inherrent in almost all kiddo's...)
Now my little one is 2 1/2, and he will almost always go get the tissues himself, and try to blow. But what I do if he is having trouble, is to help him by holding the tissue on one side of his nose (closing that nostril off), and telling him to BLOW. Then fold the tissue (as for yourself), and do the other side. We've been doing this since he was just about a year and a helf, or so.... Occasionally, when my son is really really "stuffed up", we will still have to use the bulb to "clear him out".
If your son is still "really little", he's just not going to have much choice but to put up with the bulb until he is able to "Blow" on his own. It may take both you and your DH to do to hold his head still, and the other to use the bulb to clear out his nose.
Also, don't forget to buy a new bulb at least once a month, expecially if you are using it OFTEN. Wash it THOROUGHLY with HOT water and keep squeezing it to make sure you have cleaned all of the "gunk" out, because you don't want to re-infect your son.
Good Luck with this!