When my 2-yr-old bites, I give her a two-minute time out and then make her say she is sorry to the person she bit. She will often give a hug, also.
Hope this helps.
I have a 2 year old toddler, and during the week I watch my friend's 6-year old daughter. My 2-year old has taken to biting and severe hair pulling of the 6-year old. My husband and I have never had problems like this with her, an she doesn't hurt anyone else but this 6-year old. I told the 6-year old not to react when she does it, but, come on now, she's 6! Any suggestions?
Thanks for all the advice, the last time she bit, I put her in her in 'time-out' and had a talk about biting. She then apologized and hugged the 6-year old, hopefully she will learn hr lesson!
When my 2-yr-old bites, I give her a two-minute time out and then make her say she is sorry to the person she bit. She will often give a hug, also.
Hope this helps.
Put a little tobasco sauce on her tongue after she bites. I garentee she will never bite again. My daughter use to bite and after two times of biting and getting the tobasco she NEVER bit again!
One of my younger sisters went through this while she was in preschool. She kept biting one particular kid in her class and we had no idea why. We eventually found out that this other little girl had been taking her blankie from her! My suggestion would be to find out if maybe this 6 year old is doing something to really bother your son.
Hi i really dont know what to do about the hair pulling but when it comes to biting we put some peper between the bottom gum and lip and not give them anything to drink for a min or give them water than it will spread the taste throught their mouthes
I've actually been dealing with this same situation at daycare, and everything I read says that you should calmly react to the biting and hair pulling child, but lavish comfort and attention on the child who is bitten. You should prompt your child to apologize to your friend's child.
I have had the same biting problem with my 3 yo son. I have been putting him in time out when it happens at this point but when he was younger I tried to stop it before it happened. When he bites he has a time out and then has to apologize to his 5 yo brother. My 5 yo has incredible self control and does not hit back. My son has has not bitten in 3 weeks since he bit his brother and broke through his skin. I think the blood and the crying scared him. But you certainly dont want to get to that point, but if it does you really need to call the doctor for the "victim"! It's not always easy is it? Good luck. Praise her for her positive behavior and be consistent with your rules for biting. It will stop.
Have you had her speech evaluated? My son (now an adult) went through a biting stage at about the same age. Speech issues hadn't occurred to me until my doctor suggested it. To myself & my family, his speech seemed very clear & he had quite an impressive vocabulary even that young. Other children or people outside of our family, really couldn't understand him though- that he used words too big for a 2-3 year old made it harder still. Once he had just a few sessions with the speech pathologist the biting ended. It may not be the problem, but it wouldn't hurt to have it checked.
My 2 yr old son bit me constantly after my daughter was born. I think he was angry with me for having another baby. My daughter is now one and my son is much better. For us it was clearly a jealousy thing. He has never bitten anyone other than me. Perhaps your daughter is jealous of the 6 year old. I think the only thing you can do is let them know that it is wrong (ie time outs, strong NO) and have them apologize. I think eventually that your daughter will get used to the idea of having another child around that she has to share her Mom and toys with. The biting should stop as magically as it did with my Son. I know it doesn't help much now but there is light at the end of the tunnel. Good Luck !!!
When our second son was two, he bit so often that I thought about getting those little wind up chattering teeth for the favor for his birthday party. Seriously, he used to pick on a select few (my friends daughter, my nephew)It's so hard. My pediatrician told me to remove him into another room, tell him "no bite!" and then proceed to pay attention only to caring for the person who was bitten. So you are not giving him extra attention for unwanted behavior. I've heard of people using hot sauce, biting the child back- I personally think these are not choices to teach how to do the right thing. You might just have to stay at arms reach until he gets past this stage. Once he gets more words and control of his little body and emotions, it should stop. Reece (my son) did stop, and your son will too. Good luck! -N.