I don't know of any classes. Have you checked out the hospital where you plan to deliver? If you are birthing at home, I would ask your midwife if she has the numbers to some teachers. You can research the different types of birthing methods on the internet to find out what you're most interested in and then try to locate a teacher that specialized in that method.
You mentioned that you were looking for moms to connect with. If you are planning on being a SAHM, you should check-out MOMS Club. www.momsclub.com It's an excellent way to get to know other moms (first-timers and those with more experience) and get some support when you need it most.
I don't know what area of West Jordan you are in, but if you are south of 7800 S, then check out http://www.southvalleymomsclub.com/
If you live north of 7800 S then check out http://saltlakevalleywest.i8.com/
Good luck and best wishes with your first baby!