I had my twins last month through Andaluz Waterbirth Center and I must say it was an incredible experience! We did a homebirth and made it to 39 weeks and 1 day. The big difference I noticed between using a regular OB and a midwife is the attitude of your twin will mostly come early and a focus on all the complications that may arise with the care of an OB vs your twins will come full term and care is preventative. I went to my appointments with the midwives always focused on a due date of 39 to 41 weeks, I was always told how wonderful I looked and how great I was doing. Great care was taken to focus on issues I had with a previous pregnancy and making sure the twin pregnancy did face the same problems. The positive thinking and extreme care helped me make it full term with my twins (in fact we made it one day longer than I did with my daughter a few years before!)
Natural and organic remedies are offered as well as mainstream options. And the best part was the time given to me as a client. Every appointment lasted about an hour giving me ample time to come up with questions and for any concerns to be addressed. It also gave me time to bond and connect with my midwives. They are with you throughout the pregnancy, through the entire labor process and a few hours later. They then come to your home the next day, 3 days postpartum and continue care for 6 weeks after the babies are born.
And even though you are no longer a client after the 6 weeks, you have become part of a wonderful family. I have had support from families that live and think like me 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from my first pregnancy right through today and for years to come!
I would be happy to share my birth story and experience if you are interested. I would highly recommend you check out Andaluz, the consultation is free and they will spend all the time you need with them and even do a prenatal check up so you can see how everything is done with a midwive in comparison to an OB. They will show you videos and give a tour of the facilities as well.
They have had many twin births and all of them have been between 39 weeks and 41 weeks.
One more thing, a great book to read is called Having Twins and More by Elizabeth Noble. It covers everything you need to know about twins and covers all types of birth from all natural homebirths to c-sections. It's an amazing resource I turn to frequently.