I took the mini pill during all three of my childrens nursing. I started it with my girls (now 6/9)after the 6 week postpartum checkup and with my son at the same time. I did not have any milk issues. The drug in the minipill shouldn't affect your milk like a reg. pill does. I stopped taking it with my son because I actually researched it this time and it sounded more like the morning after than a prevention. It does not stop you from ovulating like a regular pill. It just prevents the implantation of a fertilized egg in your uterus. I personally couldn't handle that thought, so I began using condoms immediatley. I started my cycle at 8 weeks postpartum and still no pregnancies. I do try to avoid intercourse during my fertile time however. I really don't want another baby. Thinking mirena (which is also HIGHLY recommended for bf moms) or getting tied at this point.
Good luck