Birth Control After Weaning

Updated on October 16, 2010
S.J. asks from Huntsville, AL
4 answers

I am a single mom that is trying to wean, when I am done I would like to go back on birth control. I find it hard to take my prenatal at the same time everyday so I am certain I will forget my BC. Would any of you recommend the ring? I am very against the plastic one but the ring seems painless. Side effects? And I most of all I want to make sure that I am able to get pregnant when I want to again someday.


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answers from Cleveland on

I honestly don't know anything about the ring.

I personally know that I wouldn't remember taking the BC pill either.
Also I can't stand the way my body reacts to the hormones.
So for me, I decided to try out the IUD ParaGuard. The Non-hormonal IUD..I'm a lil nervous, I get it on the 20th or so...

ALways something to look into aswell



answers from Anchorage on

Talk with your OBGYN, there are so many good options for woman today. He should have pamphlets on different ones and you can discus the pros and cons of each.



answers from Lafayette on

I don't know anything about the ring. I've always been on the pill except for one year on the patch. I keep my pills in the bathroom next to my toothbrush so I remember to take it every night before I go to bed. No, it's not exactly at the same time but it's close enough. Hope this helps!



answers from Jackson on

I would totally recommend the Nuvaring. Nothing to remember every day. Less PMS symptoms because the hormone dose is lower and more constant than the pill. You still have to watch out if you use antibiotics though. I have been using it for about 5 years now. Love it.

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