Hi, I have been in a similar situation, credit card debt and the likes. I can feed my family of 4 for about $200 per month by shopping at stores like Save-a-lot and Aldi (coming soon!) Scratch cooking is the only way to go. If you use the pre-made things, your cost almost doubles. Using spices like garlic, italian seasoning, lemon pepper and others you like help with the taste of food. It is a try and see how your family likes it kind of thing. Buy meat in bulk and separate it and freeze it into meal servings. Use pasta, rice and potatoes in many different ways. Spaghetti can be made into twice baked spaghetti with cheese for variety. You can also use pasta to make soups, or white sauce or marrinades and fried noodles (a little soy sauce, veggies and eggs). Rice can also be fried with the same ingredients, or mixed with may different sauces and marrinades. Your meat tastes change with whatever sauces or spices you use. Potatoes can be fried, baked, mashed, boiled. In order to save time, bake the potatoes in the microwave to almost done, then slice to fry or until they are done and scoop out to mash. Add a little sour cream, plain yogurt or different cheese for variety. By doing everything by scratch you not only save money, but it is much healthier for your family. Add bread to each meal as a supplement and this helps to fill tummies. Fish can be bought cheap if it is already frozen or on sale. Find the ones that your family likes the best. You can also put all the grocery store circulars on your favorites on your computer and look for good meat and fish deals. You don't want to go from store to store, too much gas money, but by shopping variety when the sales are in different stores can save you a lot in the long run. If you want actual recipes, let me know, I have quite a few and would be more than willing to share. Good luck.