It really depends on how much you could spend and what types of cards they are. Have you credit pulled lately? This is the first step to make sure that your credit report is accurate. I would recomend paying all cards to at least 50% and then use the remaining money to pay off the one with the highest interest rate next. Even when you pay off the cards do not close them as this will then end your term of credit with them and will not help your future credit rating. Also once you have paid down these cards keep paying the same amount as you were before until all of the cards have been paid off. Also keep in mind that each company only reports every 30 days to the credit bureaus so you will want to make sure you let at least 30 days lapse before you get it repulled. They are many other ways to help with your credit some are- do not open any new lines of credit (you want no new lines in the last 6 months), do not have your credit pulled by more than 1 type of person in a 60 day period(banks, car company, credit card company, etc.) and use a physical address instead of a PO Box. I hope this helps and please let me knwo if you would like any other tips. Just an FYI I am a mortgage loan officer and have used these to help my clients in the past. Good luck to you and your family and please let me know if I can help.