Best Smelling Detergent

Updated on March 11, 2013
B.B. asks from Bedminster, NJ
10 answers

Hi Moms,

I have been using the more natural detergents for a while and while I love the scent (mild and natural) I don't really think they get my clothes super clean. I like to do a combination of the natural and the regular and feel like that works well. I was using Purex naturally derived but they don't make it anymore. I am not interested in fabric softener or dryer sheets. I like citrus and lavender for scents. I sniffed some laundry detergent over the weekend at the store and it was overwhelmingly chemically. Any suggestions?

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answers from Lakeland on

I like Method and/or Mrs Meyers. You can find both at Target and I prefer the Mrs Meyers scents of lavendar, lemon and Basil.

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answers from Austin on

I use unscented detergent - arm&hammer, and vinegar for the fabric softener, so my clothes come out smelling clean, but like nothing at all. (If it is a particularly dirty load, I add a little vinegar to the wash, or even borax. I feel the clothes are very clean.)

The drawers and cabinets that hold bedsheets and towels also hold one unwrapped bar of Tom's lavender soap. When the smell starts to fade, I just shave a little bit off.

I have found that after doing this for a year, it seems that all of our noses are becoming more sensitive. I guess we don't have the detergent scent in our noses all the time, and are noticing more other scents.

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answers from Fargo on

Scarlett got me hooked on Molly's Suds and I am SO glad. My laundry smells fantastic! Molly's Suds is lightly scented with peppermint essential oil.

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answers from St. Louis on

She can give you tips as to how to make your laundry smell the way you want without all the harmful chemicals.

For example, I make my own cleaning solution with water, vinegar and essential oils. Smells amazing and is so much better for my family!

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answers from Miami on

I had that trouble too, BB. I so much wanted the Eco stuff to work, but I have males in my house, and getting their clothes clean is too hard for the Eco detergent! LOL!

I use Tide Free and Clear. You just can't use too much - a little goes a long way and it gets the clothes, even the guy's clothes, clean, smiles!


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answers from Seattle on

I use ECOS lavender and magnolia scented. It is naturally derived and leaves a very light scent. I have been using free and clear for years before, but I like ECOS better. I buy it at Costco.

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answers from Victoria on

I made the above recipe for laundry detergent. While it really has the slightest faint smell its not much smell at all. But Half way through the jar I dumped a grassy smelling smaller box of tide mixed into it. I think I left out the natural baking soda. And I could have used another bar of soap. I dont feel it got our clothes clean. I have a hard time with the HE washer anyway as it seems to use little water and sometimes if I wash say 3 pair of jeans a leg or portion of the fabric will stay does not do the job. Were a non fabric softner or sheets house hold too. Citrus would be great. Plz let me know what actually cleans for you !!!

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answers from Boise on

It's all about smell for me. I smell everything before I buy it. Heck if I ask the kids to stop off at the store and buy me dish soap they stand there and smell it so they can get me the 'right' kind. It's my 'strange addiction', although I haven't taken to eating it or anything.

For the most part I make my own detergents (except dish soap). with my laundry soap I found a great recipe, which was just in time cause most of the other stuff had no scent. Worked great, but I need a pretty smell.

Just keep trying, but only sniff a few things at a time. Scents can get overwhelming when done all at once.



answers from Oklahoma City on

I love Gain Original scent. I don't like many others due to too much perfume in them. They often give me a headache just being in the same room with the washer running. Gain Original scent doesn't do that to me.



answers from Dallas on

We used to use a Purex but can't remember what sent but they don't make it anymore either. Now we use Sun. It does not have a strong sent but doesn't smell bad. Plus it's clear so I don't have to worry about it bleaching anything out if it get's on it. I have had stains before from detergent and that was not good.

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