The Northwest YMCA has a program - instructional for that age, plus a few games. www.ymcacobb.org I believe they have some fields in Paulding also.
Does anyone know of a soccer league or just a recreational team in Paulding/West Cobb for 3 (almost 4) year olds? I don't want anything competitive but something just to teach basics and maybe a few games.
There are several places that offer youth soccer in Paulding area, read the article for more info.
The Northwest YMCA has a program - instructional for that age, plus a few games. www.ymcacobb.org I believe they have some fields in Paulding also.
usually soccer doesn't start until they are 5 or 6. I haven't heard of any leagues in the area that start before. I checked into it because my 3 yr old wants to play now also.
I am not sure there is anything for that young. I am in Douglasville and most stuff I know of starts at 4. You can try Upward which many churches have - it seems like they are at Baptist churches for some reason and many people get there kids in that because it is not competitive especially for the younger years. I think Central Baptist in D'vill has a good league and you don't have to belong to the church to participate -
west metro is in paulding. West Metro Soccer's Summer Camp and Fall Registration is Now on Their Website at www.WestMetroSoccer.net
Hope this is helpful. My son use to play with them. He is now eleven and is involved in other sports. But West Metro is great for beginning to learn soccer.
Check the local churchs and see if anyone is doing an Upward Soccer program. My daughter was in one this spring at Due West UMC here in NW Cobb. They teach the basics and it's all about the kids having fun. It's also highly amusing for the parents to watch the games because it truly illustratates the concept of herding cats. Good Luck!
T. D
Go to soccertots.com and look up Georgia. I know they have some in this area. I've never used them but I have seen their advertisements. Good luck!
My son is three and we did cobb futbol, they have practice in parks in the area. They are great it was just the basic since they are so small. http://www.cobbfc.org/site/home.php
There are two groups that I am aware of: Douglas County Soccer Association (DCSA.org) and West Metro in Paulding. I know that DCSA has a 4 year old program and is a great program-they do play other 4 year old teams but they do not keep score and he parents/coaches help them even in the games to some extent.
the methodist church on the square used to have a Munchikin soccer league. don't know if they still do, ut they may know if /where it went. Also, McEachern Methodist has a FANTASTIC Upward program which includes soccer. CHeck out their website formore details.