I was torn too, when I was pregnant with my daughter two years ago. I toured both hospitals and liked them both. They both had great staffs too! The only deal breaker for me was that my best friend had delivered at St. Johns a few months prior and she had an amazing experience, so I knew first hand that this place was great. Also, the rooms are new, spacious and filled with lots of natural light. While that seems silly, I wanted to have a place that I could be comfortable in.
While touring UCLA, they mentioned that they have a lactation consultant on staff 7 days a week, where St. Johns only has one 5 days (M-F). What they didn't know is how AMAZING the St. John's lactation consultants are and that after you leave the hospital, you can go back as often as you want to have a consultation. I was at their lactation station, meeting with Elaine, the consultant at least 3 times after delivering. Her help, was seriously life changing!
At the same time, I had a friend with the same due date as me who delivered at UCLA a few days prior. She had a really challenging time BFing, as did I. Anyway, she paid tons for a consultant to come to her house, she went to the pump station and consulted la leche league. All the people who helped her were telling her how breast is best (I completely agree), but their approach was all wrong, and came across as judgmental. They would tell her that whenever she fed her baby formula it strips the insides of their stomachs and all of these other negative thoughts about formula.
Also, during that time, my consultant Elaine at St. Johns was helping me and even provided a few days worth of formula to supplement, while I pumped to bring up my supply, and breastfed to get my baby used to the breast. I can't begin to tell you how much that helped! I was so ashamed to use formula, which sounds stupid, but I was all hormonal and Elaine had no qualms about it. She was VERY positive and said that we would use this to aid and help me get to a point where my baby was 100% breastfed. Sure enough, just 3-4 days of using a few ounces of formula, LOTS of pumping, and my baby girl was 100% on the breast and has been every since. I truly believe my breastfeeding success was 100% due to the fabulous help I had after leaving the hospital at St. Johns. Oddly, everything was easy in the hospital and my problems came the day I went home. When my baby was 10 months, i got a plugged duct and Elaine helped me lots then. All that to say that I would HIGHLY recommend St. Johns to a first time parent who wants to breastfeed!