The only methods you list here are positive reward systems, privilege removal, talking and showing appropriate behavior.
There is nothing very world-stopping in that list for a child engaging in total raging fits disrespecting everyone in her path.
You can't teach her right and wrong when she's like this. You need to prevent this from happening in no uncertain terms.
I have a 7-year-old daughter and it would literally be physically impossible for her to carry on like this in my house or anywhere else in front of her father or myself. Serious consequences would ensue after one warning to pipe down. Time would not have a chance to solve what we would physically stop immediately. We aren't mean at all, and she's an extremely good kid, but from her very first toddler tantrums, this was never allowed.
We used the book Back to Basics Discipline by Janet Campbell Matson for all of our kids-including the more difficult ones, your daughter is getting on the older side of the scale, but it would still be useful. There are also nice books like "How to Talk so Kids Will Listen ..." but those won't curtail drastic behavior. You can talk nicely and respectfully when this is nipped as a matter of natural progression. I'm assuming you're already an understanding, patient, loving parent and you just need a clamp down on the super bad episodes. I recommend the discipline book if there is no underlying medical condition.