It's all about nutrition, or lack of....
Bedwetting, more times than not is related to sugar intake.
Much like an alcoholic, when they drink they lose control of their muscles and they can't walk in a straight line
When they drink the alcohol turns into sugar. The same thing happen to children and it can effect their bladder.
Most mom's get defensive at this point and tell me the don't give their kids sugar. What about bread, pasta, mac & cheese, fruit juice, even too much fruite These all convert to sugar, and thus the muscles just don't work as well as they could. Too much sugar leads to B-complex deficiencies. Evaluate the diet, change what is needed and add a complete and balanced B-complex vitamin. If you don't know of one, or don't what to look for when it comes to balance, then reply back.
Going through the cabinets and getting rid of a lot of processed foods will help both the kids. I would do whole foods in order to add the fiber. INstead of apple juice, eat a whole apple with the skin. No white sugar, no white flour. Whole grains, organic soy milk because dairy and cheese tends to constipate. With the proper food intake, the poop will be a better consistency and he won't be able to hold it in. I know of an herbal product that just softens the stool and causes the colon to create the action in order to rid of the waste.
Both will benefit from the change. With both of them having similar but different problems, they are most likely reacting to the same cause or deficiency in their own way. If you need more help and some guidance, please let me know, I would be happy to pass along some other ideas.
They won't like the change, they will gripe about it, but as parents it is our job to give them the proper guidance and teach them to make good choices.