You sure have my sympathy, and I hope I'll never have to face this problem. I'm not sure from your request if you've been bitten or have only seen tiny insects in your bed, but either way, I'd like to pass along a few ideas you might try:
Several moms on this site have found that vanilla extract repels mosquitos, and it's safe and non-toxic. You might try spritzing yourself and loved ones before bed with vanilla, and see if it makes a difference.
There's also a very effective natural, non-toxic product called Neem Oil that I use in my garden to discourage insects and caterpillars. It kills the appetite of the invaders, and they just stop attacking. It's safe enough that in India it's been used for centuries as a tooth cleanser. The only complaint I've heard about it is that some people don't like the scent of it.
Good luck. I sure hope you find a solution.