In some cities, there are 24-hour Plumbers.
Emergency type.
Look at the yellow pages... see if there are any in your city.
Gosh, will your Husband really be pissed and you in trouble over this????
You tried your best, he was not home, you did what you could.
It is not your fault.
OR, can you go next door to a neighbor you know, and ask the Husband to help you??? or the woman of the house???
There is a leak... you need to turn off the main water valve of the house.
If the leak is IN the walls, then there will be water damage there too.
Where is the leak coming from?????
You need to call maybe 911???
Can they do anything???
Think... who can you call now? Friends? Relatives??? Any neighbors??? 24-hour Plumbers????
I worry, about your saying that you'll be in big trouble when your Husband discovers what you have done.
And you are crying.....
Please call someone, to help....