Hi R.,
First of all, I am going to try to be PC about your Ped, but here goes: if your Ped truelly supports your breast-feeding decisions, then why the need for the Poly-Vi-Sol vitamins? You and I both know that your breast milk provides all the necessary nutrients that your child needs.
I of course am basing this on the belief that you nursed your first child, if not, then I highly recommend a LaLeche consultant as a support and resource. Second, if you are taking the pre-natal vitamins she is receiving plenty of iron.
If you have stopped, or your body could not handle the pre-natal vitamin, then find an iron tab, that you can take and that should suffice. Also, if you increase your spinach, gorbanzo beans(chic peas), other high iron food in-take that would benefit greatly as well. The more natural approach over any struggle is well worth the happy day, you and she will have together. She is happy with you and breast milk is sufficient. Your family choice is no solids for now and that is an excellent choice--keep up the way God and nature intended babies to be in the world.
Good luck and God Bless. I hope I did not come off too strong, sometimes I do when I see advice given that seems out of sink with God and nature.
M. N.