This may or may-not be of help to you, but I did see a program just like your on the Learning Channel (the baby channel,Discovery health, one of these channels in which her OB/GYN & PED Surgeon did surgery on the baby while it was in mom's womb. (i forget how old but the baby was tiny, you could barely see her fingers when they were manuvering the fetus around in the womb, to be positioned for surgery.
Also I was told to tell you, ask your Doc, OB/GYN or MID-WIFE, about stem cell. They could use some of the fetus stem cell to grow a new kidney.(but you'd get info on exactly how this would work & if it would benefit the baby & your-self. ( If your gettin a feeling like one of the Doctor's aren't being straight with you about the info, ask somebody else or go to learning channel & look up Stem Cell. What ever you choose to do, I wish you & the baby well.
My name is S. mother of 5.