I have been to tons of babyshowers lately. I feel as if I could throw one in my sleep. A few games we have played:
1. Write down as many movies with the words baby, kid, or child in them.
2. Sit a person in a chair blind folded. They hold a paper plate on their head and use a large kitchen spoon to spoon as many cotton balls onto the plate as possible. After two minutes, the most cotton balls on the plate is the winner. Ones that fall off do not count.
3. Put saftey pins in a bowl of rice, a blind folded person trys to remove as many safety pins in 2 minutes.
You can shorten the times too.
My son will be one in May and since the weather has been so great, we are having his party at the park. Don't have to worry if your house is clean enough, kids of all ages have fun, and my favorite reason... with everything else you will have to buy for the party, this part is free!!