When my oldest was about a month old, I hit a point, where I could do -nothing- for her. She, too, was inconsolable. My husband (who had never really ever been around babies), somehow instinctively knew to bend her in half.
Forgive my awkwardness in describing this, but: he put her feet, high up on his chest, almost under his chin, and sat her down, so her little butt was at or just below his heart, then he sat her straight up (basically bending her in half), to face him directly. From here, he kind of gently bounced her/slightly folding and unfolding, in a rocking motion.
And. . . this is when she let it fly. She was gassy, and "The Daddy Position" helped to get things moving.
Another thing that really helped us, was "Kangaroo Care." I would basically strip mine to a diaper, and put them against my naked chest. (This is how I fell into co-sleeping.) There's something about skin-to-skin contact that is very soothing to the little ones.
Best wishes, and hang in there!