Baby Rash - Food Related?

Updated on February 24, 2011
N.S. asks from Seattle, WA
5 answers

My 7-month old son has had a mild rash on his body (stomach and back only) for the last couple of weeks. It doesn't seem to bother him and I haven't taken him to the doctor yet. We started him on solids about a month ago. When I noticed the rash I stopped all food except for rice cereal (organic brown rice cereal). The rash seemed to lessen a bit, but didn't entirely go away. I'm slowly re-introducing foods, but the rash remains. Anyone else experience this? Can babies be allergic to rice cereal? If so, what else would you recommend for that "first food"? Thanks!

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answers from Seattle on

Yes. Babies can be allergic to rice cereal. My neighbor's daughter was very allergic to rice cereal, but can eat all other foods. She can eat rice, but something in the processing of rice cereal bothered her.



answers from Seattle on

I never gave my son rice cereal. What I did was grind oatmeal really fine and then cooked that. I also gave fruits and veggies. Hopefully the rash goes away really soon.



answers from Charlotte on

if he was allergic, he would have probably had a fever and nausea. Yes, a child can be sensitive to rice cereal but I would evaluate your diet if you are nursing. I thought the same thing as you until I did research on my own and discovered my son had reflux and eczema. I had to cut out all cow's milk in his diet. He is almost 16 months now and still only has soy although he appears to be growing out of it. His doctor said it is most likely something they grow out of. I would keep an eye on it. You can try bananas, squash or oatmeal(the baby kind with iron). Those are all very mild and good first foods.


answers from Dallas on

After feeding your son monitor him for an hour to see if the food you fed him is contributing to the rash. We had the same occurrence with your youngest and discovered she is allergic to anything with blueberries in it.

Monitor which foods you are giving him and you'll soon find out what isn't agreeing with him. If you think its the rice cereal; switch to oatmeal but make sure to read all ingredients on any food given; because if it is the rice you'll have to keep an eye on it. I was shocked to see how many items had blueberry in it; but it keeps our youngest from breaking out. I hope your little one gets to feeling better soon.



answers from Washington DC on

He could be. Try avacado or sweet potato. My daughter is allergic to apples. That one took us a bit to figure out.

You might also want to make sure it's not a new lotion or detergent (did they change their formula?) or just heat rash.

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