I am afraid my response is similar to everyone elses. I also have kids a 2 yr old boy adn a 1 yr old girl. My son still wakes at least 1 time a night, we go into his room, turn his "music" back on, pat or rub his back, and he lays back down to put himself to sleep shortly there after. Our daughter has pretty much slept through the night from 3 months and on.
I have read many books on how to get your baby to sleep (b/c of our son) and have come to the conclusion that some kids just don't sleep as well as others. That doesn't mean you should try different methods to get your baby to sleep, b/c Lord knows, you can't keep going on this way.
You can try the links people have offered you, try the methods some have mentioned, you can even go to your local library and check out all the books they have on baby's sleeping through the night (I know I got about 7 from my local library).
I will say this, I do think your son is old enough to NOT need to nurse at night now. And since he is nursing for short period (10 minutes) and that's suffienct to put him back to sleep, it would appear as though he is using you to fall back alseep. (Of course this means squat if your son has any difficulty gaining proper weight or has been DX with Failure To Thrive).
So I'd say, stop feeding him at night, let him cry it out somewhat and maybe go in adn rub his back and/or play some music to help him learn to soothe himself back to sleep. It'll be hard, you won't see results in a day or two, but it'll be worth it ina month or so.
Hope all this helps!
Best wishes!