Hi- This is totally normal, your baby is not using you as a pacifier, she is acting like a normal breastfed 2 month old. My kids rarely went three hours without nursing at that age except at night. It seems they nurse all the time but lucky for your she's sleeping a very long stretch at night, because of this she has to make up for it during the day. Neither of my girls would take a bottle and yes, at times it is overwhelming. All I could do was have whoever was with her keep trying with the bottle and do the best they could to comfort her. Sometimes they just cry. The bottom line is breast milk is more easily and quickly digested so they eat more often than formula fed. If you start supplementing with formula you will eventually start producing less milk and it will lead to early weaning. If you want to continue nursing the good news is this phase will pass, like every other childhood phase, and she will be much more easily consoled while you are away. Hang in there and try to get some advice from pro-nursing people, La Leche League or a nursing coach. The idea that breastmilk is not enough for her is ridiculous. Consider how in the world we are all populating this planet, it is extremely rare that a baby doesn't thrive and benefit hugely from being breastfed. Good luck, you can do it!