Congratulations? Not sure if you are pregnant or expecting a new adoption, but if you can breastfeed for the first year at least (World Health Organization says a minimum of 2 years believe it or not!) that is the best thing your baby can have.
Long run - add the time to go to the store, pick out what you want, wait in line, pay for it and travel home.
Then purchase a blender that goes to puree if you don't already have one, use fresh vegetables, stay away from grains, and if you are breastfeeding, hold off as long as you can. You can have the food pureed in less than 10 minutes and the blender rinsed for the next food(s) in far less time than it takes to go to the store.
THe first year, you don't really need recipes. Single vegetables introduced one at a time for 3 days each are the best thing for determining allergy (and don't go by whether you or DH have allergies). Meats are a good intro at a year unless you stop breastfeeding. Same with Milk, and Eggs at 2 years, Peanut butter at 3 years.
So much more, email if you have more questions,
Good luck,