Eczema is very common in infants. If the hydrocortizone isn't helping, your doc can give you a prescription for something stronger. My son has some small spots that come and go, usually on his legs and arms. His cheeks have also always been a problem and he had moderate cradle cap until he was about 7 or 8 months old. I use the prescription cream on his body where the problem spots are, and I use Eucerin Calming Cream on his body after a bath. Make sure you are using a cream and not a lotion, it will do a better job moisturizing. I'm not sure how often you bathe him, but I limit baths to 2, maybe 3 per week. For his cheeks I use a 1% hydrocortisone cream about 3 to 4 times per day during flare ups, per his dr's recommendation. Try to get one that doesn't have anything added, like aloe or petroleum. I can't use the Rx cream on his face because it's too strong. Oh, and if your dr is not taking your concerns seriously, I would find a new one, or at the very least get a referral to a pediatric dermatologist.