I hate to be the bearer of bad news but at this point, you probably won't get her to take the bottle. As you mentioned, especially not from you. My oldest took a bottle without any problems so I expected the next one to be the same. The second one never would take one no matter what we tried. This included my husband and SIL who has 4 kids when we did attempt to go out. I breastfed both of them but they were on very different schedules. At this point, she is more likely to drink out of a sippy cup then a bottle. She is also old enough to start on cereals so it might be easier to try to get that started before you want to go out so that the babysitter can give her cereal to tide her over. Other then that, all I can suggest is to make your evening out short. Feed her right before you leave and try to be back before the next feeding. My second nursed every two hours so I understand your frustration. It won't last much longer though. It won't be long til she is pushing you away so enjoy it while it lasts.