Babies and Splenda

Updated on November 05, 2009
M.D. asks from Los Lunas, NM
7 answers

I accidentally bought applesause with splenda in it. I gave her a couple of bites then noticed it had splenda YUCK!! Will this hurt her? She is 9 months.

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answers from Tucson on

when in doubt....throw it out.
Your child does NOT need the added sugar....ever
Eclectic Body Work


answers from Phoenix on

HI. It depends on the person. Some things may hurt someone have an allergic reaction to something, while others it doesn't effect. So it depends on the person.

I can't eat Splenda I have a bad reaction to it, my stomach hurts and I just get sick immediately after eating something with it.

I would read up on it, I think sugar is far better than Splenda. Basically it's not good stuff.

I hate when I accidentally buy something with it in it. I immediately take it back to the store before it's opened.




answers from Phoenix on

I wouldn't give it to her being so young. But I haven't researched it enough. I don't like my kids to have splenda and they are older...



answers from Yuma on

Splenda will not hurt her. Especially since you gave her so little. I had a friend who gave her kids tea sweetened with Splenda everyday!!! (3 years and 10 months old). They drank TONS of it. Both kids are fine.

I know that you are nervous from evertything you read and hear on the news, but she should be fine. I don't give my kids that stuff's much sweeter than sugar which could make them CRAVE more sugary items.



answers from Phoenix on

Dear M.,
It will not hurt her, but I understand the confusion. Because no sugar added to me does mean 'no sweetener added', so now I have to look at 'all natural' and check the ingredients!
Keep up the good work!
C. Willis
Helping Families Build Supplemental Income from Home



answers from Tucson on

Wow! "YUCK"? If anything "Splenda" is better for your child than regular sugar....hello!!!



answers from Phoenix on

That little bit wouldn't do anything, but of course as I can tell you probably already know, I wouldn't give her anymore of it or anything else with the artificial sweeteners in it. I'm just not comfortable with those products. I would rather have the small amount of extra calories from real sugar, because at least it is natural. I don't even have any of those myself, besides the fact that I can't stand the taste.

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