One thing you may not have read yet, and that is, when you have met one kid with autism, you have met one kid with autism, and it is not one of those kids of diagnosis where you can rule it out based on something they can do. There are plenty of kids with imaginatiions, who can look you in the eye, who bond with their parents, or who are really smart who also have autism.
You need to make some appointments. First, call the nearest childrens hospital and make an appointment with a developmental pediatrican. This appointment will be many months off, so in the mean time, call ECI in your county and make an appointment. Call a private speech therapists and make an appointment. You can get started with therapy on the things that you see. If fine motor and sensory defensivieness are issues, see an occupational therapist too. Have her hearing checked too, just in case.
You have reason enough to be concerned, so do not delay. I do not think that you are being paranoid, but coming from someone who has walked in your shoes, it is not the end of the world, even if you get the kind of news that you are dreading. Early intervention is very helpful, and if there is an issue with her development then you want to know as soon as possible.
So many misconceptions. But the worst is to do nothing and wait and see what happens and just watch her. Find out, and not from your doctor, they have no idea for the most part, and they do not "test" for autism, Developmental Pediatricians do that. What someone else's child did means nothing to you. Your child has zero relationship to anyone whose child might look the same, sort of, but turns out to be a rocket scientist. Please, get the evaluation. You have more than one reason to, and that is coming from someone who both has two kids on the spectrum and works with kids and families to get the very best educational services they can. Unless there has been a drastic cold spell in you know where, Texas is dreadful for kids on the spectrum or any other kind of disablity (handicap is no longer PC, and neither is the word retarded in the names of the agencies that serve people with developmental and cognative challenges.) Never, never, never wait on development. Your child has way too much to lose if you are wrong.
Technically, all froms of Autism are considered Pervasive Developmental Disorders or PDD's. Kaners Autism, or clasic Autism is the most severe that most people know of. There is also Childhood Disintigrative Disorder, PDD NOS (not otherwise specified) Angelman Syndrome and Asperger Syndrome. For any one of these disorders, there is a list of issues, and a description of onset, and if the child has, for example, 5 of 8 of the listed issues in one collom, and 6 of 10 in another, and meets the onset criteria (this is a simplification) the child will be diagnosed. Everything you need to know will be explained to you by the person who does your childs evaluation. They should spend an hour or so with you explaining all the findings, and the written repot should be 15 pages long or so, and the testing will include several different indivudal evaluators from differnet diciplines.
As for asperger, the whole idea that they are all successful engineers is just not true either. I know a great many, and while some are, some have great difficulty and need a huge amount of support thoughout their whole lives. The biggest key is probably early intervention, which is the reason why you need an evaluation. The asperger diagnosis requires that the child have typical speech development, which is not to say that a child without typical speech development cannot be extreemly high functioning, it is just that asperger will not be the likely dianosis. Again, early intervention, so do not wait to see.
Finally, keep doing what you are doing for her speech, and wait for a speech therapist to tell you how to help your child given her particular evaluation data. You will have a great deal of homework with speech therapy that is targeted to her needs. Not that others advice about what their speech therapist told them was not great for their child, just that it is not necessarily interchangable for every child. A child with a simple delay or apraxia will not have the same langague needs, nor the same reason to not be talking as a child with possible autism, and at this point, you really do not know what is going on. There are many things that this could be, which is all the more reason to go get a comprehensive evaluation and just tell them what is going on, not what you are afraid it may be.
Since you are in Spring, I would suggest a Developmental Pediatrician by the name of Danny Williamson or contact either the Connections Center or the Monarch School for some more information about evaluation.
Just don't wait. Don't get upset about it, don't fret, don't panic, and stay off the internet. She will be the same child, no matter what. MR
One last clarifcation, ECI is not a replacement for private therapy. You live in Texas, and if you get any state run, federally funded service from your county or your school district you can be certain that you child needs a lot more, a whole lot more. You need a private speech evaluation, and ECI. Get both, she cannot have too much, but it is possible that she could not get as much as she needs if you depend on ECI. Never know less than any agency about your child nor depend on them to tell you what they need, nor depend on them to be right about it. MR