We had xBox before my son was born.
As far as electronics go... We've tried various rules over the years but the simplest worked best, so Although we've tried others, we always came back to this one:
Ask before using it & Pop off with good attitude when asked or you lose it for the rest of the day and all of the next*.
He's 11.
He's seriously played since he was about 3 or 4.
Some days it's nada for electronics.
When he was sick (pulmonary) and bedridden, it could be 10 hours.
More commonly it's for a couple hours
He does
Year Round
- Gymnastics
- Aikido
- Boyscouts
- Basketball
- Snowboarding
- Baseball
- Swimming
Plus usually 2 or 3 plays (drama) per year, science camps, and all the unstructured stuff (scooter, army guys in the woods, art, reading, playdates or hangouts, etc.). Plus chores, family projects, etc.
Just because one has / uses electronics in the house (I include videogames, computer, TV... as they ALL fall under the ask & pop off rule) doesn't mean that one has no balance in one's life, or that one is an antisocial unsupervised drooling lump. Promise.
* a repeat offense soon after the first (or sneaking) elicits longer timeouts.
- all that day and the next
- all week
- 2 weeks
- 1 month
In 7 years we've only had a month ban twice, and a week ban a few times. Although we've had LOTS of level 1 bans, losing it for the rest of today and all,of tomorrow usually is the wakeup call for normal behavior (ask and pop off with good attitude) for several months.
He also self regulates. While I do have to call halt (going somewhere, other stuff to do, need help cooking) regularly... I al,ost never have to boot him for being on too long. He knows he can play when he has time (time limits made him driven to use the WHOLE time) so he plays for awhile and then does something else for awhile then plays for awhile. Now, at 11 it's 99% self regulated.