Hey M.,
My eldest was a handful at this age too so I know it is frustrating and embarrassing when they act out. Autism in families is often related to other issues such as ADHD so a talk w/a behaviorist is a wise idea. Try Pediatric Associates on Mills Ave. in Orlando. They have several types of doctors and a separate behavioral center. It is ###-###-####. There is a book I found very helpful for my eldest. It is called, "The Explosive Child" by Ross W. Greene Ph.D. It is for kids that are out of control and is excellent. My son eventually needed low dose medication but at age 15 he makes me very proud to be his mom.
Do you feel this just started after the baby's birth? It is really hard sometimes for a child to adjust to a new sibling. You mentioned you are a flight attendant. Do you have to leave the kids for 3 days? Maybe your daughter is acting out to get attention from you. Do you get any time alone w/her? Does she break things on purpose or by accident? If it is an accident, I would be tempted to let it go. Sometimes it is best to take the path of less resistance w/challenging kids and choose your battles. Not every issue needs to be discussed and disciplined at this age and it exhausts the mom (I know)! Full-time school might be a good idea especially if she is bright (needs more stimulation and socialization)and if it keeps her challenged, happy and gives her daily structure. You should not feel guilty to put her in full time. A 3 yo can handle more than 6 hours per week. Also, gifted and very bright kids are more difficult when not challenged. Best of luck and you will be in my thoughts.