Are We Behind the Curve?

Updated on April 20, 2007
L.W. asks from Cortland, NY
9 answers

Hey all! My son will be 9 months on the 25th of April. He is not crawling yet, he crawls backward, but not forward. He is not pulling himself up or even going from laying down to sitting up on his own yet. I feel like we are behind and I don't know how to help. He gets lots of tummy time, and I try to help him, but we're stuck! I have heard all kids develop at their own pace, I just feel like we are behind and I want him to progress as he should!

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So What Happened?

Thank you so much everyone for responding. I just wanted to make sure he was doing ok! He's an otherwise very happy little guy :-)

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answers from Burlington on

my son will be 9 months old on the 20th and he isn't crawling or pulling up either. He is a rolling and rotating machine, but no pulling up or crawling. My 3.5 year old was early with everything, so it was hard not to worry, but I've decided, He's OK. He'll do it in his own time. And his doctor isn't worried either. He wasn't sitting up at 6 months either, not even for a few seconds indpendantly. And she wasn't too worried. So, I guess we wait......
Take Care

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answers from Rochester on

Oh my goodness... don't even worry! My oldest was walking at 9 months and my baby didn't start until 12 months. Each child develops at his/her own rate. Don't worry... it will happen! The last thing you want is for your baby to grow up too quick. Mine 1st did and I look at my baby now and wonder where the time went. If you have a concern talk to their Doctor, but if not just enjoy the time till they are mobile cause it will come soon enough and then you'll be sorry.



answers from Hartford on

Take a deep breath, Mamma! Your son is doing just fine. There is no reason that he should be pulling himself up yet, and that he's only crawling backwards is fine. Let him take it at his own pace! You can't force them to develop faster than what they are ready to do. I've known children who never crawled and then just walked one day, I've known children who didn't walk until they were 14 and 15 months old (one as old as 16 months), I've know children who were already toddling around at 9 months...That said, you can't gauge children by what accomplishments other children have had (or haven't had). It's unfair to them. I understand that sometimes slowed physical developments can be a sign of greater problems, but It doesn't sound to me like your childs development is slow at all. You're already doing all that you should!



answers from Binghamton on

my son was also slow to start on the movement but at 1 year old TOMORROW he now cruises around on the furniture and crawls the dog into a corner (he thinks its the best) and is starting to let go of things and stand on his own.

I recomend getting your baby around older kids that are moving around (3-4 months older) so then he can see how its done and get the idea.

hope this helps



answers from Burlington on

my son was late crawling and I swear this is the thing that will work I had some friends over and my friends grandchildren got on the floor and Showed him how to do it. 2 days later BOOM he was crawling lol I know it sounds silly but it really did work and we did the same thing with walking we also bribed with food lol and goodies im tellin ya it works try both things I think that if u put something that he really loves like a teething cookie in front of him he will try like heck to get it or he might just go for it.



answers from Rochester on

L. you and your son are fine. My daughter didn't formally crawl until just after the 9 month mark. Now she is 2 and runs with the best of them. Tummy time is great and and so is sit time. He'll probably just take off one day and you'll be wishing for a non-mobile baby again. Take a breath and enjoy. You'll be chasing soon enough.
God Bless,



answers from Rochester on

i know that it's easier said than done, not to compare your kids to everyone elses, but every child developes different, and if it was a concern for your doc, then she'd say something. my son never crawled forward, he crawled backwards everywhere he went, and then he learned to walk. he never, to my knowledge even pulled himself up on anything, i put him on his feet and he took a few steps and it started from there. he will do it, i promise :) my son didn't walk til after he turned one, and i have a friend whose daughter walked at 7 months. everyone is different ;) enjoy it while it lasts becuz once he walks, you'll wish he didn't :) good luck :)



answers from Scranton on

Enjoy it!!! I am fascinated by the way these little ones develop. I am on #3 and he is so much more mobile and verbal than my other two were. He is a scooching machine and this week he started to pull up on things at 8 months, but like I said the other two were not that interested in moving around they didn't walk until they were well over a year old and I was so nervous, talked to the doctor, bought exspensive "walking shoes"...I literally drove myself crazy. Now they are 6 and 4 and I am constantly telling them to stop running! If you are looking for a suggestion beyond relaxing and to enjoy your baby, maybe try a walker. Little Jack loves the thing and since he has been in it the pulling up has begun, and he has yet to "crawl" on his knees.

My nephew crawled backwards we use to get such a howl over it, he also dragged his one leg and only crawled on one knee. My sister-in-law was really concerned, but he quickly become a walker and he runs around like a monkey. Children are so precious...the developmental stages are terrific, it gives you something unique to talk about, and can share with them indvidually (how they came to be) as the kids get bigger...just another gift from God.

Enjoy your children!



answers from Albany on

Hi L.,

I would not be concerned at all. All children are different. My daughter didn't crawl until she was over 10 months old, but my son was walking by 10 months. Having experienced my son walking and crawling so early I can tell you that I would have prefered him to start these things later because he had no depth perception, he would crawl directly into the table. He had more brusies on his head than any other child I had ever seen. I was afraid to take him out of the house because of what people might think. My pediatrician told me he was too young to be crawling and walking, he hadn't developed other skills that were necessary to be crawling and walking. Don't worry your son is perfectly normal.

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