Apps for Droid

Updated on February 27, 2012
G.G. asks from Aurora, IL
6 answers

I just got a new droid and I need to know what apps/games I can't live without. anything else you can suggest for my droid?

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answers from Chicago on

Go to Amazon and download the app store. You can get 1 free aPP a day (they are marked free for one day and then go back to regular price). Nice thing is that the free apps are saved so if you change phones you can still get them back.

Onto my favorite apps:
Facebook for Android
Amazon kindle
Screeble pro
Opera browser
Cam scanner
Wifi explorer
Water your body
Flash light app (tiny flashlight unless you have HTC because they have their own)
Star chart
Google earth
Photaf (takes panoramic pics)
Real calc
Picasa (stores photo's)
Living social



answers from Cleveland on

dream zoo, go sms, your local news station app, my guy likes tiny tower



answers from Oklahoma City on

I touch the market emblem on my home page and it takes me to the market. I scroll over to the free apps or the free games. The kids and I have 14 pages of apps/games.

Crazy Birds, kids fav
Crazy Brids Seasons, Hubby's fav of all
Crazy Birds Rio, my fav of all of them

Words With Friends, like Scrabble, you can even do words with random opponents if you don't know anyone playing. I can't do anything on real scrabble either but I am getting the hang of this game.

Hanging With Friends, it's a Hangman style game

There are also tons of staples like solitaire, hearts, spades, rummy, gin rummy, dominoes, all kinds of things.

I play angry birds rio nearly every day, I play spades every day, WwF and HwF too.

Just do the free games for a while and you will find out how you like them. The way one interacts with the screen is often odd at first. But it does get easier.


answers from Dallas on

Angry birds, zuma, facebook, solitaire, tetris for me. My 4 year old likes zoodles and my 11 year old likes Talking Tom.



answers from Portland on

Click on apps and look to see what's there. My grandchildren, 8 and 11, are always finding new things to look at or do. For a long while they played Angry Birds. Got me playing it too.



answers from Los Angeles on

it you have a child under 3 i suggest toddler lock.
i have abc lite, angry birds (all three), abduction, bubble shoot, disney puzzles, fluffy, jewels star, kids doodle, kids piano, pig rush, tangram, uno, words with friends. these are what i have on my cell phone plus coloring apps. i have a 4 year old daughter

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