How old is your baby? My son had it when he was born. I got Albucid drops from a Russian pharmacy, apparently it's the stuff that they use in birthing centers. that and camomile tea (fresh camomile rather than a tea-bag) mixed with gunpowder green tea, did the trick for us. i put the drops in 3 times a day & the tea every time i changed his diaper (keep the mix in the fridge so that it doesn't go bad & make the fresh one every other day). it all cleared up by 5 months. but i really kept at it.
also, the doctor told us to do a massage where u massage the area near the tear duct (quite firmly, not to hurt the baby, but enough to apply pressure to help clear it up). i think it's worth a try before you go put ur baby under anaesthesia (not the best thing you can do for someone that young). good luck!