I would add one more problem... it punctured my uterus, ended up floating in my abdominal cavity and I had to have surgery to get it out (after 3 days of extreme pain). So, I didn't really use it as birth control, and didn't have it long enough to find out about how it affected me. I was concerned about this happening, because I DID want more children, I just wanted to wait a bit (I had two by 23), and when I asked the doctor putting it in, she said "there's a 1/2000 chance of that happening, I've never seen it happen, it will not happen to you." So, anyway, it is rare, but does happen, and maybe it wouldn't have taken so long for them to remove it (because that pain was the worst part) if they had listened to me better...
But, just so you know, I'm pg with number 3 now and nothing seems to have caused problems for me in that department.