I didn't have a breech baby, but I was born frank breech 34 years ago. That was in an Army hospital- I'm not sure if other hospitals were still doing it then or not. I was an average sized baby- 8 lbs, 2 oz, 21 inches long, and my mom is an average sized woman, but she ended up with a humongous episiotomy and some tearing that caused her a great deal of pain and problems. My ribs stick out more than I think they are supposed to, I think from the breech birth, but other than that I don't have any problems.
I know the main reason the doctors don't want to do breech deliveries vaginally is because there is a chance the baby could get stuck or have some injuries- dislocations, broken bones, etc. If you do end up trying to deliver breech vaginally, I hope you do it in a hospital so if there is a medical emergency that they can properly handle it. I know many babies don't turn until the last minute- that's what happened with my brother. They turned him manually (dumb IMHO- why would that work?) but he turned right back to breech, but right before he delivered he flipped around. Good thing for my mom, too! =) I hope everything goes well for you!