Anyone Have Any Super Why? Cake ideas/Party Ideas?

Updated on October 04, 2010
K.T. asks from McKinney, TX
5 answers

I want to make my own Super Why? Cake for my little man's bday. He'll be 3 end of October. Any ideas would be awesome for the cake and/or party. Thanks so much!!

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More Answers


answers from Denver on

How about putting Wyatt's "W" on some birthday items? Playing some "change the sory" games? Printing out some characters from a favotite episide to decorate?



answers from Johnstown on

Did you check out ? They have all kinds of character cake pans.



answers from Chicago on

Have you tried looking up PBS's webstie? Maybe they have some party ideas on there?



answers from Dallas on

go to Ebay and search for Super Why? Cake... there are bunches of different Super Why Edible Cake Images...

I used one for a Phineas & Ferb party last year and it was GREAT! Wal-Mart made a white cake and actually laid it down for me and put a border on... Now that I write this... I also remember that Wal-Mart has their own machine and can do this from any picture, just print out one from a website :)

Also... check out all of this great stuff!!!! Have fun :)

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