I do not have much advice, but if they ever decide on adoption, I am a good advocate for it and can share my wonderful domestic adoption story with the both of them. Maybe hearing how wonderful adoption is from the adoptive parent side will help them to open their hearts/minds to another alternative. We tried IVF and getting pregnant 8 years and then chose the adoption route. We are so blessed with a 4 year old daughter because of it.
There are many types of adoption that they may not know about. *Open (this is where the birth parents are activiely involved in the baby's life, but arent raising it)
*Semi-open (this is what we did) which is where the birth parents are given a letter and picture updates every 6 months until the adoptive child is 18 but do not maintain contact with the child or adoptive parents. This way, they know how their child is growing and progressing, for peace of mind. And then there is
*closed adoption, which is where there is absolutley no communication or contact once the adoption is made final. (This one isnt done as much.)
I would be more than happy to just share our story with them. We would even be interested in helping with the adoption, if that is what they decide on.