You've got some tough choices ahead. I have PCOS, and went to a dr. who treats people with PCO - he was the one who diagnosed me.
Clomid didn't work for me (6 cycles worth) before going to a fertility specialist (reproductive gynecologist/surgeon). There are many things that can interfere with conceiving - blocked tubes, autoimmune antibodies, swimmers (has Dear Husband seen a urologist yet? He could have a varicocele - my DH did).
If you try clomid, I'd only do 2 cycles before moving on to the specialist. (I'm in the Indianapolis area and can let you know who I went to if you're interested.)
We decided to go straight to IVF because we were going to spend the money on injectibles anyway, but if the IUI didn't work, then we'd have to pay for another cycles worth of injectibles, and we didn't see any point in that. Like my OB and the specialist said, there was enough stuff affecting our trying to conceive to go straight to IVF (blocked tube, autoimmune antibodies, PCOS, etc. etc. etc.).
If Clomid doesn't work, they'll probably want to do a hysterosalpingogram to check to see if the tubes are open or not. See if the dr. is planning on doing a laparoscopy to aspirate any cysts, and see if they can be done at the same time. (hysterosalpingograms are uncomfortable.) They'll also check for stuff like endometriosis at the same time and or possible uterine polyps....just trying to see if it's there or not trying to rule stuff out.
From there you guys can decide whether to try something like IUI or IVF or something. The meds can range in cost from about the high side of $2000 - $5000 depending on what they find.
An IUI procedure itself can run up to about $2000 vs. about $4000-5000 for an IVF procedure (this doesn't include the bloodwork and sonograms before and after the procedures).
Hope this helps - let me know if you have any questions.