This question comes up all the time in sessions. First, might I suggest making a list of all the things that you enjoy in life. I would also say to thinking generally in terms of 5 years or 10 years from now, where would you like to be in life (what would you be doing for meaning and purpose? Where living? Who would be in/out of your life?....these kinds of things). My goal here is not to make a list of perhaps unrealistic things but rather to focus on what I want.
For some, a "better" job is mentioned, or more time with family, friends, more alone time, a hobby, and so forth. Then, list out steps it would take to make it happen. If it is to sign up for a class, some of the steps might be to research when/where, ask around, register, come up with (possible) fee, etc. Outline all the steps and start checking them off as you accomplish each one. If money needs to be saved, and you think it might take a month, then break down how much you will put towards the fee each week and check off each portion you put aside.
What tends to happen here is we feel success. When we break down goals into something you can more easily / readily manage, we are more likely to secure that success. Even one little bit of it at a time builds momentum and excitement towards reaching that goal. Please do not overwhelm yourself with trying to tackle everything at once. Good luck! S. A. K., MFT