Anyone Been to a Fresh Beat Band Concert Yet?

Updated on February 06, 2012
M.J. asks from Sacramento, CA
4 answers

Our daughter goes this weekend and I was just curious what the concert is like. Anything special to know? I remember years ago with the Wiggles, if you brought a rose for Dorothy, a cast member would collect it, so if there's anything like that to be aware of, share away! :)

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answers from Washington DC on

I'll keep an eye on this topic. DD loves them, but I'm wondering if it would be frustrating for her to be far from the stage.



answers from Oklahoma City on

No, the kids do not like the new member that replace Marina. It's just not the same show anymore.



answers from Champaign on

We were debating (and never bought tickets), but we loved, loved, loved the Wiggles concert we saw 2 1/2 years ago!!! They put on a great show!



answers from Washington DC on

I haven't, but I can't wait to see your answers. We're headed to one in April. Have fun!

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