Hi Elaine,
Congratulations! I have a boy and girl who are exactly 6 years apart. My son is the oldest and he's 10 now, my daughter 4. I too didn't want the kids so far apart but similiar to you that's just the way it worked out for us.
My son can be wonderful with his sister he watches her when we're in the playground or out anywhere. He actually helps with her around the house too, he tends to her requests and even reads to her at night. So, in that regard it's great. However, they don't really play together. She does mimmick my son and while he loves that he's not too crazy about sharing, becasue some of his stuff has been lost or broken. We have managed to work that out though, he has an armoire in his bedroom where he keeps all his really special stuff and my daugher can't get in there. Homework is a little difficult because I can't spend the time I would like with my son. My son needs alot of help with homework and of course my daughter doesn't understand that, so it makes it tough. So, because they are in always in different places it makes it a little tough right now. However, my daughter will be starting school this September, so in another year they should start to get more in sync. Also, as they get older I think the gap will feel closer because again they'll be more in sync.
One thing I wasn't prepared for was that I felt like I was starting over. I was just starting to enjoy the freedom of no stroller, diapers, diaper bag, bottles, change of clothes etc. but as I write this that is actually becomming a memory to me now. I do feel like we don't do as much because my daughter does hold us back, so of course I feel guilty about that, but again that too is changing. Another positive is that I loved that I was able to spend time alone with my daughter while my son was in school. It's almost like having two only children, because you do have that alone time. I did feel bad though because my son of course realizes that and I think he misses his alone time with me, so we try and do some things just with the two of us. However, that's not always easy.
It's really more positive than negative. I'm happy that I have both kids and was really thrilled when I had my daughter because we really didn't think that was going to happen. I didn't have a tough time getting pregnant it was staying pregnant and if I heard one more person say: well at least you have your son, I thought I would scream! So, I'm happy and done now. I wish you and your family the best of luck and enjoy that little baby! (I love the infant stage).