my grandson was born with a right sided DH. The right side is more rare and fatal than the left. He was missing 98% of his diaphram, his left lung was only 17% of the size it needed to be, the right side, was never visable on any ultrasound, mri, or any xrays, or catscans that were run. When he opened him up, he had a bud of a right lung. His liver, intestines, kidneys, everything was in his chest. His stomach didnt' develop to much of anything. He was born in 2005. The University of Michigan, wasn't even going to try and save him, they had my daughter sign over his organs. She felt like a walking coffin as she put it. Well, she got online and found a surgeon from Florida, Shands Hospital, Dr.David Kays. He is a miracle worker. We went and met him, he agreed to take on my daughters case. He was in the delivery room and as soon as Ayden was born, he and his team vented him. Dr.Kays doesn't do things by a book, He listens to the babies, they tell him when to do the surgeries and what they need. He doesn't do two cases the same. It was very touch and go. The surgery was a week after he was born, he was hooked up for ECMO twice, but then his stats would stabalize and in the end was never on it. He had a couple blood transfusions. It was a long and very hard 3 months down there. He was on every machine I think he could be on, except Ecmo. It was amazing when we'd walk into the NICU and another machine was out of the room in the morning. Look up Dr.David Kays on your computer, either under Diaphramatic Hernia or his name. He'll even answer any questions you may have by way of emails, he's a true gift from GOD. He never left Aydens side the whole first week of his life, never knowing if he was going to make it or not. He actually coded 3 times during the surgery. Ayden came home with a feeding tube, almost with oxygen, we had the house set up for it, but Dr.Kays took him off of it three days before we left the hospital. We still go down to see Dr.Kays every year. Gives us an excuse to go to Florida too. Dr. Kays kept an over close eye on the oxygen level, and Ayden doesn't appear to have any learning problems, even though, Dr.Kays said he probably would with all he went through and struggled through. Right now he is a 3 year old, who throws temper tantrums and is loving just like any other 3 year old. He will never be able to play contact sports, the gortex diaphram is attached to his ribs, so he has a funny shape, that they can fix when he's 12 or so, by breaking his ribs. But I thank God and Dr.Kays everyday for my grandson, the most wonderful baby/child on this planet. Good luck to your brother, his girlfriend, the baby and the rest of you. It is a very hard time. I'll hope and pray for the best. If you have any questions about ANYTHING, please feel free to contact me. Good luck-Sue